Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Left Handed Iron Sets

February 15, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , 7 comments
Golf rules allow you to have a maximum of 14 golf clubs in your bag during a game. Each golf club is designed for a different purpose and will hit the ball differently. Golf manufacturers are always striving to create irons that drive the ball higher, further and straighter. If you are a serious...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Golf - the rich mans hobby?

February 13, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller 14 comments
Golf was invented in 15th-century Scotland, where some of the world’s oldest golf courses are located. It is a relatively simple game that sees you using a club to hit a ball into a hole, yet it is also complex, mainly thanks to the huge size of the courses compared to the tiny balls and holes. Golf...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

3 Ways To Maximize On The Effectiveness Of A Golf Instruction Video

February 11, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , , , , , 10 comments
Golf instruction videos featuring techniques and tips from leading world class players are very common these days. Still there are very few people who can claim to have had their games improved by a golf instruction video. So here are three tips to help you ensure that you reap maximum fruits from...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

About Golf Holiday Insurance

February 04, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , 10 comments
Today, it is not uncommon representing tourists to benefit from a link of rounds of golf while on vacation. During this generation and age, travelers are interested in whole holiday packages to facilitate focus on the sport. However, despite the popularity of the game, the majority of these golfers...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why Do Injuries Occur In Golf?

February 01, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , , 7 comments
Injuries occur in all athletic events quite frequently, certain sports more so than others. Golf is no different than any other sport. The severity of injuries in golf usually are not as severe as in other sports. The scenario of a 300 lb. defensive lineman slamming into the side of your knee tearing...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Perfect Golf Vacation

January 30, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , , 2 comments
Your absolute golf vacation with your friends starts and stops with you. Toss the vacation package unsolicited mail in a heap and design your own ideal golf getaway. This is the final of four articles to assist you in given that an jaunt representing yourself and your friends to facilitate will nominate...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Power Of Combining Golf Swing Basics With Exercise

January 27, 2012 Posted by eryn traveller , , , , No comments
When training in benefit golf swing basics is combined with the in shape do exercises course, the results can be nothing little of miraculous.  Take the superb performances witnessed in junior golfers like the Song sisters, Ty Tyron and Michelle Wie. The amazingly eminent level of performance of...